Your low-carbon market research tool.

Use AI-powered research to discover Energy, Mining, Chemicals, and Materials earnings presentations with ease. Transform your commercial strategy with  comprehensive sector insights.

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Tired of ctrl-F?

Your market intelligence can't be based on guesswork. Get insights from your peer's presentations and earnings releases.

Earnings presentations  are just silos of data.

Manually reviewing and storing earnings presentations that just sit on your desktop doesn't work anymore. We have indexed thousands of IR slides to make it easy for you. Get energy insights and market mentions across industries from  a single platform.

Who is gaining market influence? 

Markets are moving faster than ever. Understanding your situation in a dynamic market is critical. Find what your peers are saying to support your commercial goals to make strategic decisions.

Monitor industry trends

No more scanning of 37 different sources of research. Daily research updates on the peers and competitors that influence your decisions. Energy, Utilities, Construction, Mining, and Industrial coverage allows you to monitor key industries effectively.

Devise the best market strategy with one  robust, AI-powered research solution.

Monitoring your peers doesn't have to be a headache.

Monitor company activity
Follow company activity, results, and presentations from a single platform.
Keep your team engaged
Deliver content that resonates with your team. Find who is in the know, and who is not.
Build better strategies
Track company performance across public presentations to gain a clear picture of what’s working, and what isn't.

Sound market strategy from reliable data and intelligence.

Get the data you need without sifting through slides. Betamark gives you recommendations on companies to follow through detailed presentations and AI-powered search and discovery.

No more juggling between 8 different tools and sites to track activity

Comment and collaborate on strategic accounts and commercial opportunities

"A 360 degree view of all companies on my watch list."

"We track the public companies in each sector to reach our commercial goals”

VP Low Carbon Solutions, EPC
time savings per month
return on investment

"Helps me stay on top of how we view the market."

"With Betamark, I can have a clear view of the companies and topics to make necessary changes in my marketing strategies. I am able to catch up with current trends and manage our messaging without too much effort."

EVP of Market & Sales, Equipment Manufacturer
research time saved per month
return on investment

It's too easy ... track all public E&Ps in one place

"Instead of manually digging through calls and presentations I can quickly search public E&Ps in the Permian talking about flaring. Or identify E&Ps that are evaluating CCS technology. Love the simplicity of Betamark! We are now in the emission reduction conversation with key prospects."

VP of Sales, Energy Service Company
20 Hours saved per month
3 potential deals

A market intelligence platform tailored for your needs.

Build robust company research
Identify key trends and moves for current and potential customers. Get access to relevant presentations and reports on performance metrics.
Plan your commercial strategy
Devise a strategy to organize sectors and companies to monitor posts across profiles, networks and campaigns with a visualized calendar.
Make the most out of your data
Measure the metrics that matter with custom company and sector briefs. Use actionable insights to boost your ROI.
Save time researching firms
Keep up with trends every single day. Gather feedback to help develop new product, service, and commercial ideas.

Transform your Energy, Mining, & Industrials research to find answers to your market questions .

Learn how Betamark can help take your market research to the next level.